High accurate modified WENO method for the solution of Black–Scholes equation

نویسندگانM Hajipour, Alaeddin Malek
نشریهComputational and Applied Mathematics
نوع مقالهFull Paper
تاریخ انتشار2015
رتبه نشریهISI
نوع نشریهچاپی
کشور محل چاپایران

چکیده مقاله

In this paper, we propose a high accurate method based on non-standard Runge–Kutta (NRK), modified weighted essentially non-oscillatory (MWENO) and grid stretching methods to solve the Black–Scholes equation with discontinuous final condition. For the spatial and temporal discretization of the Black–Scholes equation, the MWENO method and the NRK method are applied, respectively. The MWENO method is a high-order method that prevents the appearance of spurious solutions close to non-smooth points. To achieve the high-order accuracy in non-smooth points as well as smooth points, a grid stretching technique is employed. The accuracy analysis and the CFL stability condition of this hybrid method are presented. The high efficiency of this method for the solution of non-linear Black–Scholes equation is demonstrated numerically. Comparisons are made with the available methods in the literature.

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