مقالات در نشریات
- 61. P.Sokhandani, A. A.Babaluo, M.Rezaei, M.Shahrezaei, A. Hasanzadeh, S. G.Mehmandoust, R.Mehdizadeh,Nanocomposites of PVC/TiO2nanorods: Surface tension and mechanical properties before and after UV exposure,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol. 129,pp. 3265–3272,2013.
- 62. HamidReza Azimi, Mostafa Rezaei, Farhang Abbasi,The effect of expansion conditions on the batch foaming dynamics of St-MMA copolymer,Journal of Cellular Plastics,Vol. 48,pp. 125-140,2012.
- 63. E. Mehravar, F. Abbasi, K. Jalili, M. Rezaei, S. Heydarpoor,Synthesis and Expansion Characteristics of Expandable Styrene/Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer Beads: The Effects of Monomer Composition and Cell Structure Modifying Aid,Journal of Cellular Plastics,Vol. 48,pp. 161-190 ,2012.
- 64. M. Rakhshani, M. M. Kamrannejad, A. A. Babaluo, M. Rezaei and M. K. Razavi Aghjeh,Thermal Degradation Behavior and Kinetics Studies of Polyacrylamide Gel in TiO2 Nanoparticles Synthesis,Iranian Polymer Journal,Vol. 21,pp. 821-828,2012.
- 65. F. Zandi, M. Rezaei, A. Kasiri,Effect of Nanoclay on the Physical-Mechanical and Thermal Properties and Microstructure of Extruded Noncross-linked LDPE Nanocomposite Foams,Key Engineering Materials,Vol. 471,pp. 751-756,2011.
- 66. M. Valizadeh, , M. Rezaei, A. Eyvazzadeh,Effect of Nanoclay on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Rigid Polyurethane/Organoclay Nanocomposite Foams Blown with Cyclo and Normal Pentane Mixture,Key Engineering Materials,Vol. 471,pp. 584-589,2011.
- 67. A. Charchi, M. Rezaei, S. Hossainpour, J. Shayegh, S. Falak,Numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow of molten metal in MMA-St copolymer lost foam casting process,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,Vol. 210,pp. 2071–2080,2010.
- 68. J. Shayegh, S. Hossainpour , M. Rezaei , A. Charchi,Developing a new 2D model for heat transfer and foam degradation in EPS lost foam casting (LFC) process,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 37,pp. 1396–1402,2010.
- 69. G. Mousavi, D. Mohajeri, M. Rezaei, F. Moutablaleh, A. Rezaei and Y. Doustar,Effect of sodium flouride on cancellous bone defect healing in rats,American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology,Vol. 5,pp. 177-182,2010.
- 70. S. Ravanbakhsh, M. Rezaei, N. Sheikh, A. Heidari,Irradiation Grafting of MMA Monomer onto UHMWPE: An Experimental Design Approach for Improving Adhesion to Bone Cement,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol. 116,pp. 886-894,2010.
- 71. H. R. Azimi, M. Rezaei, F. Abbasi,Thermo-Oxidative Degradation of MMA-St Copolymer and EPS Lost Foams: Kinetics Study,Thermochimica Acta,Vol. 488,pp. 43-48,2009.
- 72. M. Khodabandelou, M.K. RazaviAghjeh, M. Rezaei,Fracture behavior and environmental stress cracking resistance (ESCR)of HIPS/PE blends and the effect of compatibilization on their properties,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,Vol. 76,pp. 2856-2867,2009.
- 73. E. Esmaeilnezhad, M. Rezaei, M. K. Razavi,The Effect of Alternative Blowing Agents on Microstructure and Mechanical Characteristics of Rigid Polyurethane Foam,Iranian Polymer Journal,Vol. 18,pp. 569-579,2009.
- 74. H. G. Kalteh, M. Rezaei, N. Sheikh and F. Abbasi,Radiation Induced Graft Copolymerization of MMA Monomer onto UHMWPE: Adhesion Improvement,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol. 108,pp. 1086-1092,2008.
- 75. Y. Akbarzadeh, M. Rezaei, A.A. Babaluo, A. Charchi, H. R. Azimi and Y. Bahluli,Microstructure, Permeability and Rheological Behavior of Lost Foam Refractory Coatings,Surface and Coating Technology,Vol. 202,pp. 4636-4643,2008.
- 76. H. R. Azimi, M. Rezaei, F. Abbasi, A. Charchi, Y. Bahluli,Non-Isothermal Degradation Kinetics of MMA-St Copolymer and EPS Lost Foams,Thermochimica Acta,Vol. 474,pp. 72-77,2008.
- 77. M. Rezaei, A. Shirzad, N.G. Ebrahimi and M. Kontopoulou,Surface modification of UHMWPE, II: The effect on physico-mechanical and tribological properties of UHMWPE/PET composite,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol. 99,pp. 2352-2358,2006.
- 78. M. Rezaei, A. Shirzad and N.G. Ebrahimi,Study on Mechnical Properties of UHMWPE/PET Composites Using Robust Design,Iranian Polymer Journal,Vol. 15,pp. 3-12,2006.
- 79. M. Rezaei,N.G. Ebrahimi and M. Kontopoulou,Surface modification of UHMWPE, I: Characterization and Sintering Studies,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol. 99,pp. 2344-2351,2006.
- 80. M. Rezaei,N.G. Ebrahimi and M. Kontopoulou,Thermal properties, rheology and sintering of UHMWPE and its composite with PET fibers,Polymer Engineering and Science,Vol. 45,pp. 678-686,2005.
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