دکتر رضا فلاحت

Dr. Reza Falahat

- Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran, (2015-present)

- Project Director for NIOC-EXP, IOOC and POGC (2016-present)

- Advisor for Variety of oil and gas companies (2016-present)




  • Ph.D: Heriot-Watt University of United Kingdom (Reservoir Geophysics) (2011)
  • Ms.c: Sahand University of Technology of Tabriz (Natural resource exploration) (2004)
  • BSc Degree: Sahand University of Technology of Tabriz (Natural resource exploration) (2001)


Technical Skills

  • 4D and 3D seismic interpretation
  • Rock and fluid physics
  • Petroleum Geophysics
  • Reserve Estimation and Auditing
  • Reservoir Modelling
  • Well-Logging


Contact us:

POBox: 51335/1996 Tabriz–Iran
Tel: (98) 41 33459474
E-mail:  rezafalahat@sut.ac.ir –  rezafalahat2001@gmail
Last Updated: March 23, 2024

سوابق تحصیلی

مقطع تحصیلیسال اخذ مدرکرشته و گرایش تحصیلیدانشگاه
کارشناسی۲۰۰۱Natural resource explorationSahand University of Technology
کارشناسی ارشد۲۰۰۴Natural resource explorationSahand University of Technology
دکتری۲۰۱۱Reservoir Geophysics, Institute of Petroleum EngineeringHeriot-Watt University

اطلاعات استخدامی

محل خدمتعنوان سمتنوع استخدامنوع همکاریپایه
تبریزدانشیار دانشکده مهندسی نفت و گازرسمی قطعیتمام وقت

سوابق اجرایی

- Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran, Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering (2015-present)

- Project Director for NIOC-EXP, IOOC and POGC (2016-present)

- Advisor for Variety of oil and gas companies (2016-present)

- Nargan Amitis Energy Development, Director of Subsurface Services, and Head of Geophysics Department (2016-2018)

- ERC Equipoise, London, UK, Senior Consultant Geophysicist and ERCE's representative in Iran (2016-2018)

- ERC Equipoise, London, UK, Senior Reservoir Geophysicist (2012-2016)

- Imperial College, London, UK, Supervisor of Post Graduate Students (2014-2015)

- Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, Team Leader and Reserach Associate (2011-2012)

- Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran, Lecturer (2004-2008)


- Best Technologist at Sahand University of Technology, 2023

- Selected as one of the Best Applied Researchers in the country (Iran) in the area of industry relations (within the highest amount of contract with industry), 2022

- Selected as one of the Best Project Director in the country (Iran). My project was within the best selected projects in the country, 2021  

- Distinguished Applied Researcher at Sahand University of Technology (in industry relations), and the winner of the best project at the university, 2021 and 2022

- Best Researcher at Sahand University of Technology (the highest amount of contracts with oil and gas companies), 2020

- EAGE, SEG, Thomsen/BP award, 2010-2011

- First class honours – first rank in the university during MSc and BSc periods

- Seismic Interpretation

- Reservoir Modelling

- Rock Physics

- Reservoir Monitoring Using 4D Seismic Data

- Well Logging