Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
1Esophageal epithelium modeling based on globally coupled map: an approach toward precancerous lesion diagnosisZahra Sadat Hosseini - Seyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi GolpayeganiMedical & Biological Engineering & Computing2020-4-1
2One dimensional map-based neuron model: A phase space interpretationNazanin Zandi-Mehran - Shirin Panahi - Zahra Hosseini - Seyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi Golpayegani - Sajad JafariChaos, Solitons & Fractals2020-3-1
3Esophageal Epithelium Modeling based on Globally Coupled Maps with the approach of Precancerous Lesions DiagnosisZahra Sadat Hosseini - Seyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi GolpayeganiIranian Journal of Biomedical Engineering2019-2-25
4A fractal based approach to evaluate the progression of esophageal squamous cell dysplasiaZahra Sadat Hosseini - Seyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi Gholpayeghani - Masoud Sotoudeh - Reza MalekzadehBiomedical Signal Processing and Control2019-2-1
5A chaotic system with a single unstable nodeJC Sprott - S Jafari - VT Pham - ZS HosseiniPhysics Letters A2015-9-25
6Wireless Heart Beat and Respiratory Rate Monitoring Using a Short-range Wireless SystemZ. S. Hosseini - M. Arabgari - A. Farmad - L. Goldoozian4 - H. R. Maghari - S. Aghajari6 - E. ZahediIranian Journal of Biomedical Engineering2015-6-16
7Discrimination between different degrees of coronary artery disease using time-domain features of the finger photoplethysmogram in response to reactive hyperemiaZahra Sadat Hosseini - Edmond Zahedi - Hamid Movahedian Attar - Hossein Fakhrzadeh - Mohammad Habib ParsafarBiomedical Signal Processing and Control2015-4-1
Showing 1-7 of 7 items.