Papers in Journals

#Paper TitleAuthorsJournalPublished At
1Hand Static Gesture Recognition Using HMM Based on Curvature Gradient of Occluding ContourN. Alijanpour, H. Ebrahimnezhad, A. EbrahimiJournal of Intelligent Procedures in Electrical Technology2012
2Multi-view based 3D Human Pose Estimation by Fitting the Projection of 3D Articular Skeleton Model in Silhouette ImagesG. Khademi, H. EbrahimnezhadSignal and Data Processing2012
3Segmentation and tracking of lips using parallel surfaces based on shape receptivity and its application in speaker identity recognitionS.R. Banimahd, H.EbrahimnezhadKaragah2012
43D Model Reconstruction by Silhouette, Stereo and Motion Features FusionH. Ebrahimnezhad, H. GhassemianIranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering2005
5Classification of Epileptic EEG Signals using Time-Delay Neural Networks and Probabilistic Neural NetworksA. Goshvarpour, H. Ebrahimnezhad, A. GoshvarpourInternational Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business2013
6Shape Classification Based on Normalized Distance and Angle Histograms Using PNNA. Goshvarpour, H. Ebrahimnezhad, A. GoshvarpourInternational Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science2013
7Classification of Arrhythmias Using Linear Predictive Coefficients and Probabilistic Neural NetworkS. Khoshnoud, H. EbrahimnezhadApplied Medical Informatics2013
8A 2-level FEC mechanism joint with cross-layer superposition coded multicast for robust IPTV service over WiMAXS. Zare, A.Ghaffarpour Rahbar, H. EbrahimnezhadWireless Networks2011
9A Novel 3D Object Categorization and Retrieval System Using Geometric FeaturesM. Ramezani, H. EbrahimnezhadInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research2011
10Integrated Region-Based Segmentation Using Color Components and Texture Features with Prior Shape KnowledgeM. Emambakhsh, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M.H. SedaaghiInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science2010
11Robust Motion from Space Curves and 3D Reconstruction from Multiviews Using Perpendicular Double Stereo RigsH. Ebrahimnezhad, H. GhassemianJournal of Image and Vision Computing2008
Showing 1-11 of 11 items.