مقالات پژوهشی

Khosravi S, Roy D, Saray RK, Neshat E, Arabkoohsar A. Techno-economic analysis, emergy assessment, and optimization using response surface methodology of a solar and biomass-based co-generation system. Energy Conversion and Management. 2024 May 1;307:118376.

Meftahpour H, Saray RK, Aghaei AT, Bahlouli K. Comprehensive analysis of energy, exergy, economic, and environmental aspects in implementing the Kalina cycle for waste heat recovery from a gas turbine cycle coupled with a …. Energy. 2024 Mar 1;290:130094.

Soheil Khosravi, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Elahe Neshat, Ahmad Arabkoohsar. Towards an environmentally friendly power and hydrogen co-generation system: Integration of solar-based sorption enhanced gasification with in-situ CO2 capture and liquefaction process. Chemosphere. 2023;343:140226. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.140226.

Farshad Amirkhani, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Siamak Mirmasoumi, Reza Sharghi, Ardalan Shafiei. Integration of a conical frustum PCM system for enhanced thermal energy storage in a diesel engine cogeneration system. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2023;50:103452. doi:10.1016/j.csite.2023.103452.

Soheil Khosravi, Elaheh Neshat, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray. Thermodynamic analysis of a sorption-enhanced gasification process of municipal solid waste, integrated with concentrated solar power and thermal energy storage systems for co-generation of power and hydrogen. Renewable Energy. 2023;214:140-153. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.06.003.

N Asgari, RK Saray, S Mirmasoumi. Seasonal exergoeconomic assessment and optimization of a dual-fuel trigeneration system of power, cooling, heating, and domestic hot water, proposed for Tabriz, Iran. Renewable Energy (2023), 206, 192-213.

G Jalivar, RK Saray, E Neshat. Investigation of PCCI combustion and emissions of biodiesel fuel at low load conditions using design of experiment (DOE). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023). 148 (5), 1997-2021.

R Kheiri, RK Saray, BO Kashani. Thermo-economic-environmental analysis of a new tri-generation seasonal system with gas turbine prime mover based on municipal solid waste gasification. Energy Conversion and Management (2022),  265, 115755.

R Kheiri, B Omidi Kashani, R Khoshbakhti Saray. Determining and evaluating the thermodynamic properties of municipal solid waste for different provinces of Iran. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2022), 24, 1768–1785.

F Javanfam, H Ghiasirad, R Khoshbakhti Saray. Efficiency Improvement and Cost Analysis of a New Combined Absorption Cooling and Power System. Synergy Development in Renewables Assisted Multi-carrier Systems (2022), 23-50.

H Ghiasirad, RK Saray, B Abdi, K Bahlouli. Detailed 3E Exploration of a Sugar Industry Using Its Experimental Data. Synergy Development in Renewables Assisted Multi-carrier Systems (2022), 391-429.

B Omidi Kashani, R Khoshbakhti Saray, R Kheiri. Modeling and thermodynamic analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Dryer: A parametric study. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) (2022), 41(8), DOI: 1021-9986/2022/8/2848-2872.

AS Kalan, H Ghiasirad, RK Saray, S Mirmasoumi. Thermo-economic evaluation and multi-objective optimization of a waste heat driven combined cooling and power system based on a modified Kalina cycle. Energy Conversion and Management (2021), 247, 114723.

Kamran Poorghasemi, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Ehsan Ansari, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi, Alborz Zehni. Statistical analysis on the effect of premixed ratio, EGR, and diesel fuel injection parameters on the performance and emissions of a NG/Diesel RCCI engine using a DOE method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering (2022), 236(2-3), 460–473, DOI: 10.1177/09544070211015478.

Hamed Ghiasirad, Nima Asgari, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Siamak Mirmasoumi. Thermoeconomic assessment of a geothermal based combined cooling, heating, and power system, integrated with a humidification-dehumidification desalination unit and an absorption heat transformer. Energy Conversion and Management (2021), 235, 113969.

AT Aghaei, RK Saray. Optimization of a combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) system with a gas turbine prime mover: a case study in the dairy industry. Energy (2021), 229, 120788.

رضا خیری، رحیم خوشبختی سرای. مدلسازی ترمودینامیکی و ارزیابی عملکرد چرخه تولید همزمان سه ‏گانه با استفاده از منابع انرژی زمین گرمایی و گاز طبیعی.  مجله مهندسی مکانیک دانشگاه تبریز، دوره 51، شماره 1 - شماره پیاپی 94، بهار 1400، صفحه 77-86.

سمیرا مرامی میلانی؛ رحیم خوشبختی سرای؛ محمد نجفی. تحلیل ترمواقتصادی و بهینه‌سازی چندهدفه چرخه‌های بازیافت تلفات حرارتی یک موتور ژنراتور گازسوز. دوره 51، شماره 3 - شماره پیاپی 9پاییز 1400، صفحه 220-211.

SM Milani, RK Saray, M Najafi. Comparison of different optimized heat driven power-cycle configurations of a gas engine. Applied Thermal Engineering (2020), 179, 115768.

Shadab Heidarabadi, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Elaheh Neshat. Detailed kinetic study on methane/diesel RCCI combustion. International Journal of Engine Research (2021), 22(8), 2422-2441, DOI: 1468087420954012.

N Asgari, R Khoshbakhti Saray, S Mirmasoumi. Energy and exergy analyses of a novel seasonal CCHP system driven by a gas turbine integrated with a biomass gasification unit and a LiBr-water absorption chiller. Energy Conversion and Management (2020), 220, 113096.

Mohsen Asghari, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Elaheh Neshat. Misfire detection of homogeneous charge compression ignition engines using matter‐element extension theory and thermodynamic multi zone model. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (2020), 39 (5).

Mohsen Asghari, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Elaheh Neshat. Mathematical Modeling of Knocking Combustion and Created Pressure Inhomogeneity Inside the Combustion Chamber in HCCI Engines Via Multi Zone Model. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (2020), 105pages213–236.

Seyed Mohammad Mousavi, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Keyvan Bahlouli, Kamran Poorghasemi, Amin Maghbouli, Alireza Sadeghlu. Effects of pilot diesel injection strategies on combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel engines at part load conditions. Fuel (2019), 258, 116-153.

AD Zare, RK Saray, S Mirmasoumi, K Bahlouli. Optimization strategies for mixing ratio of biogas and natural gas co-firing in a cogeneration of heat and power cycle. Energy (2019), 181, 635-644.

SM Milani, RK Saray, M Najafi. Exergo-economic analysis of different power-cycle configurations driven by heat recovery of a gas engine. Energy Conversion and Management (2019), 186, 103-119.

M Nazemian, E Neshat, RK Saray. Effects of piston geometry and injection strategy on the capacity improvement of waste heat recovery from RCCI engines utilizing DOE method. Applied Thermal Engineering (2019), 152, 52-66.

Elaheh Neshat, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray. Mathematical modeling and validation of mass transfer phenomenon in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines based on a thermodynamic multi zone model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (2019), 25 (2), 167-194.

Pashaei, J., Khoshbakhti Saray, R. Development of a quasi-dimensional, fractal-base combustion model for SI engines by simulating flame-wall interaction phenomenon. (2019) Fuel, 236, pp. 13-29.

Mirmasoumi, S., Ebrahimi, S., Saray, R.K. Enhancement of biogas production from sewage sludge in a wastewater treatment plant: Evaluation of pretreatment techniques and co-digestion under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. (2018) Energy, 157, pp. 707-717.

Siamak Mirmasoumi, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Sirous Ebrahimi. Evaluation of thermal pretreatment and digestion temperature rise in a biogas fueled combined cooling, heat, and power system using exergo-economic analysis. Energy Conversion and Management 163, 219-238.

Darabadi Zareh, A., Khoshbakhti Saray, R., Mirmasoumi, S., Bahlouli, K. Extensive thermodynamic and economic analysis of the cogeneration of heat and power system fueled by the blend of natural gas and biogas. (2018) Energy Conversion and Management, 164, pp. 329-343.

Alborz Zehni, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray. Comparison of late PCCI combustion, performance and emissions of diesel engine for B20 and B100 fuels by KIVA-CHEMKIN coupling. Renewable energy, Volume 122, July 2018, Pages 118-130.

A Zehni, RK Saray, E Neshat. A Detailed Study of the Effects of Biodiesel Addition and EGR on Diesel Engine PCCI Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics by KIVA-CHEMKIN Coupling. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (6), 062801.

M Nazari, DJ Vahid, RK Saray, Y Mahmoudi. Experimental investigation of heat transfer and second law analysis in a pebble bed channel with internal heat generation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 114, 2017, 688-702.

جعفر پاشایی، رحیم خوشبختی سرای.  بررسی رفتار شعله گاز طبیعی در محفظه احتراق یک موتور اشتعال جرقه­ ای. دوره 10، شماره 1 - شماره پیاپی 19، تابستان 1396، صفحه 59- 74.  

محسن صادقی، سید محمد سیدمحمودی، رحیم خوشبختی سرای. ارائه مدل یک بعدی جدید برای تحلیل عملکرد اجکتور. مجله علمی و پژوهشی مهندسی مکانیک دانشگاه تبریز، دوره 46، شماره 2، تابستان 1395.

Kamran Poorghasemi, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Ehsan Ansari, Behrouz Khoshbakht Irdmousa, Mehdi Shahbakhti, Jeffery D. Naber. Investigation of the effects of diesel injection strategies on natural gas/diesel RCCI combustion in a light duty diesel engine. Applied Energy  199, 2017, 430-446.

E Neshat, R Khoshbakhti Saray, S Parsa. Numerical analysis of the effects of reformer gas on supercharged n-heptane HCCI combustion. Fuel 200, 2017/7/15, 488-498.

E Neshat, Damon Honnery, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray. Multi-zone model for diesel engine simulation based on chemical kinetics mechanism. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017/4/21.

Simin Anvari, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Keyvan Bahlouli. Employing a new optimization strategy based on advanced exergy concept for improvement of a tri-generation system. Applied Thermal Engineering 113, 2017/2/25, 1452-1463.

A Zehni, RK Saray, K Poorghasemi. Numerical comparison of PCCI combustion and emission of diesel and biodiesel fuels at low load conditions using 3D-CFD models coupled with chemical kinetics. Applied Thermal Engineering 110, 2017/1/5, 1483-1499.

Kamran Poorghasemi, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Keyvan Bahlouli, Alborz Zehni. 3D CFD simulation of a natural gas fueled HCCI engine with employing a reduced mechanism. Fuel 182, 2016/10/15, 816-830.

E Neshat, RK Saray, V Hosseini. Effect of reformer gas blending on homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion of primary reference fuels using multi zone model and semi detailed chemical-kinetic mechanism. Applied Energy 179, 2016/10/1,  463-478.

M Khaljani, RK Saray, K Bahlouli. Evaluation of a combined cycle based on an HCCI (Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition) engine heat recovery employing two organic Rankine cycles. Energy 107, 2016/7/15, 748-760.

K Bahlouli, RK Saray. Energetic and exergetic analyses of a new energy system for heating and power production purposes. Energy 106, 2016/7/1, 390-399.

E. Neshat, RK Saray,V Hosseini. Investigation of the effect of reformer gas on PRFs HCCI combustion based on exergy analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (7), 2016/2/23, 4278-4295.

SM Mousavi, RK Saray, K Poorghasemi, A Maghbouli. A numerical investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of a dual fuel engine at part load condition. Fuel 166, 2016/2/15, 309-319.

M Khaljani, RK Saray, K Bahlouli. Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic optimization of an integrated gas turbine and organic Rankine cycle. Energy 93, 2015/12/15, 2136-2145.

SK Bakhshmand, RK Saray, K Bahlouli, H Eftekhari, A Ebrahimi. Exergoeconomic analysis and optimization of a triple-pressure combined cycle plant using evolutionary algorithm. Energy 93, 2015/12/15, 555-567.

S Anvari, RK Saray, K Bahlouli. Conventional and advanced exergetic and exergoeconomic analyses applied to a tri-generation cycle for heat, cold and power production. Energy 91, 2015/11/30, 925-939.

H Taghavifar, S Anvari, RK Saray, S Khalilarya, S Jafarmadar. Towards modeling of combined cooling, heating and power system with artificial neural network for exergy destruction and exergy efficiency prognostication of tri-generation components. Applied Thermal Engineering 89, 2015/10/5, 156-168.

S Anvari, H Taghavifar, RK Saray, S Khalilarya, S Jafarmadar. Implementation of ANN on CCHP system to predict trigeneration performance with consideration of various operative factors. Energy Conversion and Management 101, 2015/9/1, 503-514.

M Khaljani, RK Saray, K Bahlouli. Comprehensive analysis of energy, exergy and exergo-economic of cogeneration of heat and power in a combined gas turbine and organic Rankine cycle. Energy Conversion and Management 97, 2015/06, pages 154-165.

K Bahlouli, RK Saray, N Sarabchi. Parametric investigation and thermo-economic multi-objective optimization of an ammonia–water power/cooling cycle coupled with an HCCI (homogeneous charge compression ignition) engine. Energy 86, 2015/6/15, 672-684.

M Sadeghi, SMS Mahmoudi, RK Saray. Exergoeconomic analysis and multi-objective optimization of an ejector refrigeration cycle powered by an internal combustion (HCCI) engine. Energy Conversion and Management 96, 2015/05, pages 403-417.

K Bahlouli, RK Saray, U Atikol. Effect of heat transfer on the reduction of the detailed chemical kinetics mechanism in a homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, 2015/03.

E. Neshat, R. Khoshbakhi Saray. An optimized chemical kinetic mechanism for HCCI combustion of PRFs using multi-zone model and genetic algorithm. Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 92, 2015/1, pages 172-183., 2015

حسن حبیبی مقدم، رحیم خوشبختی سرای، علیرضا گیمه‌چی، مجتبی سیابی سراجه‌لو.  شبیه‌سازی فرآیند احتراق موتور دیزلی MTI4.244 به منظور بررسی امکان ارتقاء توان و کاهش آلاینده‌های آن. مجله سوخت واحتراق ایران، دوره 8، شماره 1، بهار و تابستان 1394.

الهه نشاط اسفهلانی، دیمون هونری، رحیم خوشبختی سرای. شبیه ‏سازی موتور دیزل با استفاده از الگوی چند منطقه‏ای و سینتیک شیمیایی. فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشی تحقیقات موتور، جلد 39، شماره 39، 1394.    

الهه نشاط اسفهلانی، رحیم خوشبختی سرای.  بررسی تأثیر افزودن گاز ترکیبی بر احتراق اشتعال تراکمی همگن سوخت ترکیبی. فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشی تحقیقات موتور، جلد 40، شماره 40، 1394.

E. Neshat, R. Khoshbakhi Saray. Effect of different heat transfer models on HCCI engine simulation. Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 88, December 2014, Pages 1-14.

رعنا خدائی، رحیم خوشبختی سرای، الهه نشاط اسفهلانی، بررسی مقایسه ای تاثیر روی هم افتادگی سوپاپ ها بر خصوصیات احتراقی، عملکردی و آلایندگی موتورهای HCCI. فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشی تحقیقات موتور، جلد 32، شماره 32، پاییز 1392.

الهه نشاط اسفهلانی، رحیم خوشبختی سرای، شبیه سازی احتراق HCCI و آلاینده های آن با استفاده از یک مدل چند منطقه ای. فصلنامه علمی- پژوهشی تحقیقات موتور، جلد 33، شماره 33، زمستان 1392.

محمد موسوی، رحیم خوش بختی سرای، امین مقبولی و کامران پورقاسمی. مطالعه پارامتری تأثیر افزایش مقدار سوخت دیزل در موتورهای دوگانه سوز تحت شرایط بارهای جزئی. مجله سوخت واحتراق ایران، دوره 7، شماره 1، بهار و تابستان 1393.

E. Neshat, R. Khoshbakhi Saray. Development of a new multi zone model for Prediction of HCCI Engine Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics. Energy, Volume 73, 14 August 2014, Pages 325-339.

Keyvan BahloulUgur AtikolR. Khoshbakhti SarayVahid Mohammadi. A reduced mechanism for predicting the ignition timing of a fuel blend of natural-gas and n-heptane in HCCI engine. Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 79, March 2014, Pages 85-96.

A. Amini, M. Mirzaei, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, Optimization-based non-linear control law with increased robustness for air fuel ratio control in SI engines. International Journal of Automotive Engineering 12/2013; 3:582-591.

صفیه السادات شیخعلیشاهی، مهدی میرزایی، سجاد آقاسی زاده و رحیم خوش بختی سرای. بهینه سازی کنترل کننده خودروی هیبریدی الکتریکی با در نظر گرفتن استاندارد الایندگی یورو 3. مجله علمی و پژوهشی سامانه های غیرخطی در مهندسی برق، دوره 1، شماره 2، پاییز 1392.

ساسان اکبرپور، رحیم خوش بختی سرای، مهدی میرزایی، وحید محمدی و قاسم سلیمانی استیار. توسعه یک مدل کنترلی برای پیش­بینی زمان احتراق در موتورهای HCCI. مجله سوخت واحتراق ایران، دوره 6، شماره 2، پاییز و زمستان 1392.

نیر سرابچی، سید محمد سیدمحمودی، رحیم خوش بختی سرای. تحلیل ترمودینامیکی چرخه ترکیبی تولید سه گانه  با محرک موتور اشتعال تراکمی مخلوط همگن. مجله علمی و پژوهشی تربیت مدرس، اردیبهشت 1392، دوره 13، شماره 2، ص56-69.

وحید محمدی، رحیم خوش بختی سرای، کیوان بهلولی. فرآیند کاهش مکانیزم خودکار به منظور مدلسازی احتراق در یک موتور HCCI  با سوخت گاز طبیعی و هپتان نرمال. مجله سوخت واحتراق ایران، دوره 6 شماره 1، بهار و تابستان 1392، صفحه 1- 15.

سمیه پارسا، رحیم خوش بختی سرای، صمد جعفرمدار، رضا اکبرپور قیاسی، یحیی عجبشیرچی. تحلیل اگزرژی یک موتور دیزلی با استفاده از مدل احتراق چند منطقه ای. مجله سوخت واحتراق ایران، دوره 6 شماره 1، بهار و تابستان 1392، صفحه 49- 62.

N. Sarabchi, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, S.M.S. mahmoudi. Utilization of waste Heat from a HCCI engine in a tri-generation system. Int. Journal of Energy, Volume 55, 15 June 2013, Pages 965-976.

Amin Maghbouli, Sina Shafee, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Wenming Yang, Vahid Hosseini, Hui An. A Multi-Dimensional CFD-Chemical Kinetics Approach in Detection and Reduction of Knocking Combustion in Diesel- Natural Gas Dual-Fuel Engines Using Local Heat Release Analysis. SAE Int. Journal of Engines, Vol. 6 (2), 2013.

Salehzadeh, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, D. JalaliVahid. Investigating the effect of several thermodynamic parameters on exergy destruction in components of a tri-generation cycle. Energy,  Volume 52, 1 April 2013, Pages 96-109.

Amin Maghbouli, Rahim Khoshbakhti Saray, Sina Shafee, Jafar Ghafouri. Numerical study of combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel engines using 3D-CFD models coupled with chemical kinetics. Fuel, Volume 106, April 2013, Pages 98-105.

Keyvan Bahlouli, R. Khoshbakhi Saray, and Ugur Atikol. Development of a Reduced Mechanism for n-Heptane Fuel in HCCI Combustion Engines by Applying Combined Reduction Methods. Energy & Fuels 2012, Vol. 26, n. 6, p 3244-3256, June 21, 2012.

A. Paykani, R. Khoshbakhti Saray , A. M. Kousha, and M. T. Shervani Tabar. Performance and Emission Characteristics of Dual Fuel Engines at Part Loads Using Simultaneous Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation and Pre-Heating of Inlet Air. Int. J. of Automobile Engineers1 (2011).

A.K. Amjad, R. Khoshbakhi Saray, S.M.S. Mahmoudi, A. Rahimi. Availability analysis of n-heptane and natural gas blends combustion in HCCI engines. Int. J. Energy 36 (2011), 6900-6909.

M. Fathi, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, M.D. Checkel. The Influence of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on Combustion and Emissions of n-Heptane/ Natural Gas Fueled Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines. Int. J. of applied Energy 88 (2011), 4719-4724.

F. Bahiraei, R. Khoshbakhti Saray,  A. Salehzadeh, Investigation of Potential of Improvement of Helical Coils Based on Avoidable and Unavoidable Exergy Destruction Concepts. Energy 36 (2011) 3113-3119.

A. Yousefzadi Nobakht, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, A. Rahimi. A parametric study on natural gas fueled HCCI combustion engine using a multi-zone combustion model. Int. J. of Fuel, Vol. 90 (2011) 1508–1514.

A. Yousefzadi Nobakht, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, G. Soleimani Astiar. Optimization of GRI-mech 3.0 Mechanism using HCCI Combustion Models and Genetic Algorithm. Int. J. Engineering Transactions A: Basics, Vol.24, No.2, 155-168, 2011.

A. Rahimi, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, E. Fatehifar. Comparison of two Different Configurations of Multi-Zone Combustion Model for Natural Gas/n-Heptane Blend in HCCI Combustion Engines. Fuel and Combustion, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2010. (In Persian)

Hosseinzadeh, A. and Khoshbakhi Saray, R., Seyedmahmoudi, S.M. Comparison of Thermal, Radical and Chemical Effects of EGR Gases Using Availability analysis in dual fuel engines at part loads. Journal of Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 51(2010):2321-2329.

M. Fathi, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, M.D. Checkel. Detailed Approach for Apparent Heat Release Analysis in HCCI Engines. Int. J. of Fuel, Vol. 89 (2010): 2323-2330.

Rahimi A., Fatehifar E. and Khoshbakhti Saray R. Development of an optimized chemical kinetic mechanism for homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion of a fuel blend of n-heptane and natural gas using a genetic algorithmBottom of Form. Proc. IMechE, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, 2010, 224(D9), 1141-1159. DOI 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1343.

M. M. Ettefagh, M. H. Sadeghi, M. Rezaee, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, R. Akbarpour Giasi, Application of a new parametric model-based filter to knock intensity measurement Measurement. Measurement, Vol. 43 (2010): 353-362.

R. Khoshbakhti Saray,  V. Pirouzpanah, Theoretical Investigation of Combustion Process  Dual Fuel Engines at Part Load Considering the Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation. The Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 14, Spring 2009; 51-63.

R. Khoshbakhti Saray, A. Mohammadi Kousha, V. Pirouzpanah, A New Strategy for Reduction of Emissions and Enhancement of Performance Characteristics of Dual Fuel Engines at Part Loads. Int. J. Engineering Transactions B: Applications, Vol.23, No.1, 87-104, 2010.

Razmara, N. and Khoshbakhti Saray, R. A simple gas turbine system and co-generation power plant improvement based on endogenous and exogenous exergy destruction. Proc. IMechE, Part A: J. Power and Energy, 2009, 224 (A3), 433-447.

 Hosseinzadeh, A. and Khoshbakhi Saray, R. An availability analysis of dual-fuel engines at part loads: the effects of pilot fuel quantity on availability terms. Proc. IMechE, Part A: J. Power and Energy, 2009, 223 (8), 903-912. DOI 10.1243/09576509JPE786

 A. Mohammadi Kousha, V. Piroozpanah, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, M. Salsabili, An Experimental Investigation of Effect of Pilot-Fuel Quantity on the Combustion, Performance and Emission of an I.D.I Dual Fuel Engine.  Journal of Faculty of Engineering, Univ of Tabriz, vol. 54, 2009. (In Persian)

A. Mohammadi Kousha, V. Piroozpanah, R. Khoshbakhti Saray, M. Salsabili, Experimental Investigation of Effect of EGR Temperature on the Combustion Process, Performance and Emission of Dual- Fuel Engines at Part Loads. Journal of Faculty of Engineering, Univ of Tabriz, vol. 35, 2008. (In Persian)

Khoshbakhti Saray, R., Enhancement of Combustion Process in Dual Fuel Engines at Part Loads by Using Suitable Techniques. Int. J. Engineering Transactions B: Applications, Vol. 22, No.1, April 2009; 77-90.

Pirouzpanah, V., and Khoshbakhti Saray, R., 2007, Enhancement of combustion process in dual fuel engines at part loads using exhaust gas recirculation. Proc.lnstn Mech. Engrs, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, Vol. 221.

Pirouzpanah, V., Khoshbakhti Saray, R., Sohrabi, A., and Niaei, A., 2007, Comparison of thermal and radical effects of EGR gases on combustion process in dual fuel engines at part loads. Journal of Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 48:1909-1918.

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