مقالات در همایش ها

#عنوان مقالهنویسندگانهمایشتاریخ برگزاری همایش
۱Investigation of parameters controlling equivalent circulating density ECD in managed pressure drilling MPDR Ashena, H Bahreini, A Ghalambor, E Sahraei, M Ahmad Loi DarabSPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control2022
۲Hydraulic fracturing design and investigation cumulative production in one of Iranian gas condensate reservoirsAskari H., Sahraei E., Tahami A.Society of Petroleum Engineers - 72nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition2010
۳An Investigation on Gas Injection to Store Gas and Increase (for Storing Gas and Increasing) Well Productivity in Khangiran Gas FieldTaherpour, M., Tabatabaei-Nejad, S.A.R., Sahraei, A., Kheirabadi, ASPE 126275, Paper to be presented at the 2009 Kuwait International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition2009
۴Simulation of Dual Porosity Model for Naturally Fractured ReservoirsTabatabaei, S.A.R., Sahraei, E., ChahardowliPresented at the 5th International Chem. Eng. Congress, Iran, Kish Island2008
۵Effect of Filtering Techniques on Interpretation of Production Log DataM. Aghabeigi, S.A.R.Tabatabaei-Nejad, E.Sahraei, M. KalantariPresented at the 2th National Iranian Petroleum Engineering Congress2008
۶Using Genetic Alghorithm for Optimization of Well PlacementM. Aghabeigi, S. A. R. Tabatabaei-Nejad, E. SahraeiPresented at the 12th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress2008
۷Chemical reactants for creation of revertive emulsions used at intensification of enhanced oil recoveryE. SahraeiReagent 2004 ",XVII International scientifically – technical conference,2004
۸The rheological performances of revertive emulsions used for intensification of enhanced oil recoveryE. Sahraeisecond all Russia scientific – practical conf.; Development, production and applying of chemical reactants in oil and gas industry2004
۹Calculation of Equilibrium Gas Composition in a C-H-O Inert SystemJ. Fathi and E. SahraeiNational Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress1998
۱۰Simulation of Electrostatic PrecipitatorsM. Taheri and E. SahraeiInternational Conference on the Cement Industry1994
۱۱Comparison on the Relationship between Parameters of more than ten Cubic Equations of stateA. R. Tabatabaei and E. SahraeiFirst National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress1994
۱۲Comparison of Cubic Equations of state in Predicting VLE and Phase Densities of Mixtures of Varying Complexity by Using Regression Equations of stateA. R. Tabatabaei and E. SahraeiThe First International Conference on Fluid and Thermal Energy Conversion, Indonesia1994
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