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نمایش ۱٬۲۴۱ تا ۱٬۲۶۰ مورد از کل ۱٬۶۲۰ مورد.
عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Performance Evaluation of the Spectral Autocorrelation Function and AR Models for Automated Sleep Apnea Detection Using Single-Lead ECG SignalComputer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineAsghar Zarei and Babak Mohammadzadeh Asl
Automatic Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Wavelet Transform and Entropy-Based Features From Single-Lead ECG SignalIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health InformaticsAsghar Zarei and Babak Mohammadzadeh Asl
Optimization of cement spacer rheology model using genetic algorithmInternational Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: BasicsTabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I.
Considerations of well cementing materials in high-pressure, high-temperature conditionsInternational Journal of Engineering, Transactions C: AspectsTabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I.
Sedimentation stability of oil well cements in directional wellsInternational Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: BasicsTabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I.
Free fluid control of oil well cements using factorial designJournal of Engineering ResearchTabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I.
Improvement of Cement Properties Using a Single Multi-functional PolymerInternational Journal of Engineering, Transactions ATabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I., Leusheva E.L.
Assessment of the cement failure probability using statistical characterization of the strength dataJournal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringTabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I.
Geomechanical study of well stability in high-pressure, high-temperature conditionsGeomechanics and EngineeringTabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I., Chudinova I.V., Martel A.S.
Effect of Carbonate Additives on Dynamic Filtration Index of Drilling MudIJE TRANSACTIONS B: ApplicationsLeusheva, E., Morenov, V. and Tabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh.
Development of spacer fluids and cement slurries compositions for lining of wells at high temperaturesJournal of Mining InstituteTabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh., Nikolaev, N.I., Nikolaevna, T.N.
. Uncertainty assessment of wellbore stability analysis in horizontal sectionsSN Applied SciencesTabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh., Nikolaev, N.I.
Study of Bonding Strength at Salt-cement Interface During Cementation of Salt LayersIJE TRANSACTIONS B: ApplicationsNikolaev N.I., Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh
Study on Attapulgite as Drilling Fluid Clay Additive in Persian Gulf SeawaterIJE Transactions C: Aspects.Choupani, M.A., Tabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh., Tabatabaei Nejad, S.A
Optimized structure of AlGaAs/GaAs double junction solar cellsJournal of Modern OpticsA. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad - N. Jouyandeh Abkenar
MMI-based all-optical multi-input XOR and XNOR logic gates using nonlinear directional couplerOptical and Quantum ElectronicsZ. Farrokhi Chaykandi - A. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad
A proposal for 1× 8 all-optical switch using multimode interferenceOptica ApplicataA. Bahrami - A. Rostami
MZ-MMI-based all-optical switch using nonlinear coupled waveguidesOptikA. Bahrami - A. Rostami - F. Nazari
All-optical multi-mode interference switch using non-linear directional coupler as a passive phase shifterFiber and Integrated OpticsA. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad - A. Rostami
MMI-Based Simultaneous All-Optical XOR-NAND-OR and XNOR-NOT Multi-Logic Gate for Phase-Based SignalsIEEE Journal of Quantum ElectronicsS. Mohammadnejad - Z Farrokhi Chaykandi - A. Bahrami