Performance Evaluation of the Spectral Autocorrelation Function and AR Models for Automated Sleep Apnea Detection Using Single-Lead ECG Signal | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | Asghar Zarei and Babak Mohammadzadeh Asl |
Automatic Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Wavelet Transform and Entropy-Based Features From Single-Lead ECG Signal | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | Asghar Zarei and Babak Mohammadzadeh Asl |
Optimization of cement spacer rheology model using genetic algorithm | International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics | Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I. |
Considerations of well cementing materials in high-pressure, high-temperature conditions | International Journal of Engineering, Transactions C: Aspects | Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I. |
Sedimentation stability of oil well cements in directional wells | International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics | Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I. |
Free fluid control of oil well cements using factorial design | Journal of Engineering Research | Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I. |
Improvement of Cement Properties Using a Single Multi-functional Polymer | International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A | Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I., Leusheva E.L. |
Assessment of the cement failure probability using statistical characterization of the strength data | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering | Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I. |
Geomechanical study of well stability in high-pressure, high-temperature conditions | Geomechanics and Engineering | Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh., Nikolaev N.I., Chudinova I.V., Martel A.S. |
Effect of Carbonate Additives on Dynamic Filtration Index of Drilling Mud | IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications | Leusheva, E., Morenov, V. and Tabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh. |
Development of spacer fluids and cement slurries compositions for lining of wells at high temperatures | Journal of Mining Institute | Tabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh., Nikolaev, N.I., Nikolaevna, T.N. |
. Uncertainty assessment of wellbore stability analysis in horizontal sections | SN Applied Sciences | Tabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh., Nikolaev, N.I. |
Study of Bonding Strength at Salt-cement Interface During Cementation of Salt Layers | IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications | Nikolaev N.I., Tabatabaee Moradi S. Sh |
Study on Attapulgite as Drilling Fluid Clay Additive in Persian Gulf Seawater | IJE Transactions C: Aspects | .Choupani, M.A., Tabatabaee Moradi, S.Sh., Tabatabaei Nejad, S.A |
Optimized structure of AlGaAs/GaAs double junction solar cells | Journal of Modern Optics | A. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad - N. Jouyandeh Abkenar |
MMI-based all-optical multi-input XOR and XNOR logic gates using nonlinear directional coupler | Optical and Quantum Electronics | Z. Farrokhi Chaykandi - A. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad |
A proposal for 1× 8 all-optical switch using multimode interference | Optica Applicata | A. Bahrami - A. Rostami |
MZ-MMI-based all-optical switch using nonlinear coupled waveguides | Optik | A. Bahrami - A. Rostami - F. Nazari |
All-optical multi-mode interference switch using non-linear directional coupler as a passive phase shifter | Fiber and Integrated Optics | A. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad - A. Rostami |
MMI-Based Simultaneous All-Optical XOR-NAND-OR and XNOR-NOT Multi-Logic Gate for Phase-Based Signals | IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | S. Mohammadnejad - Z Farrokhi Chaykandi - A. Bahrami |