Optimized single and double layer antireflection coatings for GaAs solar cells | International journal of renewable energy research | A. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad - N. Jouyandeh Abkenar - S. Soleimaninezhad |
Photovoltaic cells technology: principles and recent developments | Optical and Quantum Electronics | A. Bahrami - S. Mohammadnejad - S. Soleimaninezhad |
Photonic crystal logic gates: an overview | Optical and Quantum Electronics | A. Salmanpour - S. Mohammadnejad - A. Bahrami |
All-optical photonic crystal AND, XOR, and OR logic gates using nonlinear Kerr effect and ring resonators | Journal of Modern Optics | A. Salmanpour - S. Mohammadnejad - A. Bahrami |
A novel proposal for DWDM demultiplexer design using modified-T photonic | Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications | A. Rostami - F. Nazari - H. Alipour Banaei - A. Bahrami |
An ultra compact photonic crystal wavelength division demultiplexer using resonance cavities in a modified Y-branch structure | Optik | A. Rostami - H. Alipour Banaei - F. Nazari - A. Bahrami |
A compact discretization of the boundary value problems of the nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equations | Journal of Mathematical Modeling | S. Amiri, M. Hajipour |
Molecular dynamic (MD) simulation and density function theory (DFT) calculation relevant to green leaching of metals from spent lithium-ion battery cathode materials using glucose-based deep eutectic solvent (DES) | Hydrometallurgy | B. Behnajady, J. Y. Seyf, S. Karimi, M. Moradi, M. Sohrabi |
Operational Jacobi Galerkin method for a class of cordial Volterra integral equations | Numerical Algorithms | R. Kaafi - E. Hesameddini - P. Mokhtary |
Mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise reduction using a time-space fractional differential equations | Information Sciences | F. Gholami Bahador - P. Mokhtary - M. Lakestani |
Error analysis of the generalized Jacobi Galerkin method in nonlinear fractional differential equations | Progress in Fractional Differentiation & Applications | P. Mokhtary - F. Ghoreishi |
A novel approach based on the Muntz-Legendre polynomials for solving a class of the generalized Abel integral equations | Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences | R. Kaafi - E. Hesameddini - P. Mokhtary |
A novel algorithm and its convergence analysis for solving the generalized Abel integral equations through fractional calculus | Asian-European Journal of Mathematics | R. Kaafi - E. Hesameddini - P. Mokhtary |
A fractional coupled system for simultaneous image denoising and deblurring | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | F. Gholami Bahador - P. Mokhtary - M. Lakestani |
A Fractional version of the recurisive Tau method for solving general class of Abel-Volterra integral equations systems | Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis | Y. Talaei - S. Shahmorad - P. Mokhtary - A. Faghih |
Non-linear system of multi-order fractional differential equations: Theoretical analysis and a robust fractional Galerkin | Journal of Scientific Computing | P. Mokhtary - A. Faghih |
A novel Petrov-Galerkin method for a class of linear systems of fractional differential equations | Applied Numerical Mathematics | P. Mokhtary - A. Faghih |
A new fractional collocation method for a system of multi-order fractional differential equations with variable coefficients | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | P. Mokhtary - A. Faghih |
An efficient formulation of Chebyshev Tau method for constant coefficients systems of multi-order FDEs | Journal of Scientific Computing | P. Mokhtary - A. Faghih |
A new recursive formulation of the Tau method for solving linear Abel-Volterra integral equations and its application to fractional differential equations | Calcolo | Y. Talaei - S. Shahmorad - P. Mokhtary |