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نمایش ۱٬۳۴۱ تا ۱٬۳۶۰ مورد از کل ۱٬۶۲۰ مورد.
عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Effect of Solid Retention Time on Membrane Fouling In the Membrane Bioreactor Systems for Treating Synthetic WastewaterJournal of Civil and Environmental EngineeringH Hazrati, M Rostamizadeh, M Atashzar
Preparation and characterization of hydrophilic and antibacterial silver decorated silica‐grafted‐poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (Ag‐SiO2‐PVP) nanoparticles for polymericJournal of Applied Polymer ScienceMina Ahsani, Reza Sabouri, Mathias Ulbricht, Hossein Hazrati, Abbas Jafarizad, Reza Yegani
Investigation of Ag and magnetite nanoparticle effect on the membrane fouling in membrane bioreactorInternational Journal of Environmental Science and TechnologyS Sabalanvand, H Hazrati, Y Jafarzadeh, A Jafarizad, S Gharibian
Investigating of Operational Parameters on the Performance of Membrane Electro bio Reactor System for Synthetic Wastewater TreatmentIranian Chemical Engineering JournalL Karimi, H Hazrati, H Shokrkar
Application of an electrochemical filter-press flowcell in an electrocoagulation-MBR system: efficient membrane fouling mitigationJournal of Environmental Chemical EngineeringSara Esteki, Soorena Gharibian, Hossein Hazrati, Ehsan Taheri
Development of a water-based drilling fluid for chemical enhancement of drilling rate in a dolomite rock sampleJournal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringTabatabaee Moradi S. Sh.
Finite element analysis to investigate the success probability of stress cage technology relative to regime of in-situ stresses for control of drilling fluid lost circulationJournal of Petroleum GeomechanicsPouya Abdollahpour - Seyyed Shahab Tabatabaee Moradi
A Numerical Study on the Application of Stress Cage TechnologyEnergiesAbdollahpour, P.- Tabatabaee Moradi. S.Sh.- Leusheva, E.- Morenov, V..
Performance-based analysis of cantilever retaining walls subjected to near-fault ground shakings. Computers and GeotechnicsComputers and GeotechnicsMilad Aghamolaei-Alireza Saeedi Azizkandi-Mohammad Hassan Baziar-Sadegh Ghavami
Influence of sodium chloride on cement kiln dust-treated clayey soil: strength properties, cost analysis, and environmental impactEnvironment, Development and SustainabilitySadegh Ghavami-Hamid Jahanbakhsh-Alireza Saeedi Azizkandi-Fereidoon Moghadas Nejad
مدلسازی اندرکنش گسلش با تونل های زیرزمینی و پی های سطحی با دستگاه سانتریفیوژمهندسی زیر ساخت های حمل و نقلصادق قوامی جمال-علیرضا سعیدی عزیزکندی-محمد حسن بازیار-مهرداد رجبی حران
مطالعه آزمایشگاهی مقایسه تثبیت خاک رس کائولینیت با سیمان و غبار کوره سیماننشریه مهندسی عمران امیرکبیرصادق قوامی جمال-حمید جهان بخش-فریدون مقدس نژاد
Developing a New Air Pollution Dispersion Model with Chemical Reactions Based on Multiple Cell ApproachSecond International Conference on Environmental and Computer ScienceA. A. Osalu, M. A. Kaynejad, E. Fatehifar, and A. Elkamel
Forecasting Concentrations of Gaseous Air Pollutants Using Artificial Neural Networks in Tabriz,J. Civ. Environ. EngN. Mohammadi et al.,
Modeling and optimization of removal of toluene from aqueous solutions using iron oxide nanoparticles by RSM method TTmdrsjrns,N. A. Gharibzadeh, E. Fatehifar, R. Alizadeh, A. Haghlesan, and M. Chavoshbashi,
An optimized kinetic model for H2-O2 combustion in jet-stirred reactor at atmospheric pressure Article Citation: An optimized kinetic model for H 2-O 2 combustion in An optimized kinetic model for H2-O2 combustion in jet-stirred reactor at atmospheric preJ. Res. EcolA. Heydarinasab, S. Mahdi Hedayatzadeh, M. Soltanieh, E. Fatehifar, A. Heidarinasab, and M. Reza Jafari Nasr
Influence of crude oil type on products quality of the atmospheric distillation unit by applying material flow cost accounting simulation: Part AIran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng.A. Karimi, E. Mahmoudi, E. Fatehifar, and A. R. Motavalli,
Kinetic study of the regeneration of spent caustic via the genetic algorithm methodEnviron. Heal. Eng. ManagA. Karimi, E. Fatehifar, R. Alizadeh, and H. Soltani,
Fast and environmental-friendly degradation of tert-butyl mercaptan from contaminated soil using bimetallic-modified Fenton processAdv. Environ. TechnolP. Roohi and E. Fatehifar,
Modeling of ethylbenzene dehydrogenation catalyst deactivation on an industrial scalePet. Sci. Technol.A. Haghlesan, R. Alizadeh, and E. Fatehifar